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Unleash your inner designer with simple design tools

Design images with stock media & editing tools

Design your own viral images and memes using our content design tools and massive stock media library.



Social Media Design Made Easy

Our built-in media design tools help you to edit your images directly on our platform before you post. Create your own images, crop and resize stock images, and add text, filters, stickers and more.



Stock Images by Keyword

Get the perfect background image for your post idea! Search a giant library of stock images, videos, gifs, and texts to create the perfect post for your audience. Then push your new design to all of your connected social accounts.


Ready-Made Designs via Canva

Leverage your Canva designs or tap into Canva's pre-made image templates. You can access everything via the Canva plugin inside Post Planner.



Upload & Organize Your Media

Save and organize your own content (branded and otherwise) in your own content library inside Post Planner. Upload your photos, videos, and gifs for use on current and future posts.


What editing tools does Post Planner's image editor have?

A lot! You can use Post Planner's "Studio" image editor to (1) crop images — including to preset social media dimensions, (2) rotate and flip images — horizontally or vertically, (3) adjust image resolution, (4) add text and adjust font, font size, font color, alignment and line-spacing, (5) add preset text designs, (6) adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, etc., (7) add stickers and logos, and (8) add filters.

Can I add my logo or watermark to images?
Yes, you can add and sticker or logo — and then adjust placement, size and opacity.
Can I access my Canva designs?
Yes, you can access your own Canva designs via the plugin in Post Planner.
Can I use the editor on content I find in Post Planner?
Yes, you can use Post Planner's "Studio" content editor on any image.
Can I edit videos?
Not at this time, but a video editor is coming via our mobile app soon!

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