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Writing SUPER Engaging Data-Driven Tweets is NOT That Hard (Use these 5 Tricks!)

Posted 25 September, 2015


Want to write better tweets?

Don't know where to start?

Here's a hint...

Twitter analytics!

Twitter analytics gives you insight that allows you to write better tweets because you'll be able to better understand YOUR audience.

It's not my Twitter audience -- it's not your competitor's audience -- it's YOURS!

What this means is you can create data-driven tweets that get:

  • Engaged more
  • Clicked more
  • Retweeted more
  • Favorited more

We all want that!

Let's dive into Twitter analytics to see what it can do FOR YOU!

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Writing SUPER Engaging Data-Driven Tweets is NOT That Hard (Use these 5 Tricks!)

1. Learn the demographic following you

Twitter analytics allows you to learn A LOT about the people who are following you.

No other platform gives you more accurate data about who is following you than Twitter!

It's pretty cool!

You'll get data about your audience's...

  • interests
  • location
  • gender
  • language
  • buying styles
  • occupation
  • & more


Once you learn more about the people who are following you -- the next step is to create content that fits that demographic.

This suggestion is one of the most important tips I can give you.

You need to take full advantage of this TODAY! 

2. Learn YOUR best time to tweet

I'm sure you've googled 'when is the best time to tweet' before.

I have!

Unfortunately -- many of the times in those posts aren't effective.


They don't work because the people they are based on aren't in the same industry as you.

However, those studies do give some insight as to when you should be experimenting with your tweets. 

While some tools will analyze your Twitter followers and recommend the best time for you to tweet (for a fee) -- why wouldn't you just use Twitter analytics (which is free)?


Make sure you click on 'export data' on the top right of the screen.

You'll be able to download the data based on a time frame that you've selected to track.

According to our data -- evenings are the best time for us to tweet.

In fact, 8 out of our top 10 tweets were posted in the evening. 

3. Learn which tweets went viral (and look at the content)

Which of your tweets had the best engagement?

You can easily find out!

According to ours -- our webinars and infographic giveaways are the top-performing tweets.

This tells us that our followers find this type of content useful.

Now that we know this -- we can add more of this type of content in the future. 

4. Learn which links gave you the most clicks

Not only does this info help you write better blog posts -- it helps you to write better tweets as well!

With this powerful insight, you will find out what type of content gets the most clicks for you.

Once you determine that info -- tweet more of that type of content!

Look at this snapshot of ours.

You can see a similar theme (which tells us what we should be focusing on).


5. Learn which influencers like to tweet your content

How is this useful?

When you know which influencers follow you (or tweet your content) -- you might remember to include them in certain tweets (for example - if they're mentioned in your posts).

Those influencers already like your content if they're sharing it!

Chances are -- they will likely be interested in sharing more of it.

For example -- if Guy Kawasaki is an influencer who has shared your content before -- remember to tag him in a tweet if he is mentioned on your blog.

Every little bit of exposure counts.

Remember that! 



I strongly recommend that you use Twitter analytics to your advantage.

It can be a Twitter LIFE CHANGER!

You'll be able to take your tweets from GOOD to GREAT in no time! 

What do you think?

Do you check your Twitter analytics regularly?

What tools do you use to analyze your tweets?

What analytics do you find most helpful?

Please share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments.

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