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50 Instagram Post Templates for Every Post Type

Posted 24 October, 2024

Ever feel like you’re stuck in an Instagram content loop?

→ Endlessly brainstorming ideas

→ Tweaking designs

→ Scrambling to post on time

The time and effort it takes to create Instagram content consistently is overwhelming.

The good news? There’s an easier way to keep your feed fresh without the last-minute stress:

This guide will show you how to speed up content creation with Instagram post templates and AI prompts. Don't forget to grab our 50 Instagram post templates before diving in.

The makings of a good Instagram post template

An Instagram post template is a pre-designed layout that allows you to quickly create eye-catching posts by plugging in your own content. 

Templates are a HUGE time saver because they eliminate the need to start from scratch EVERY TIME you want to create a post.

Instead of spending hours on design and formatting, you can focus on what really matters — delivering quality content to your audience.

Attention-grabbing hook and visuals

Visuals are the HEART of Instagram, so the FIRST thing your audience sees should INSTANTLY capture their attention.

Whether it’s a bold headline or a striking image, your hook should pique curiosity and encourage viewers to STOP SCROLLING.

headline IG photo

Your template should feature bold, high-quality images or graphics that align with your brand. Use colors and designs that complement your message and make your post STAND OUT in a sea of content.

Keep it direct, exciting, and relevant to the post's content (but don't be afraid to be funny).

Relatable message

Your content needs to CONNECT with your audience on a personal level.

You can use humor, inspiration, or education, but your message should always feel authentic and relatable. (Meaning tailored to what your followers care about or are dealing with.)

The more they see themselves in your post, the more likely they are to engage with it.

Strong CTA and hashtags

Every post should have a PURPOSE.

A clear CTA guides your audience toward taking action. You could ask them to "Shop Now," "Download," or "Join the Conversation." Either way, the CTA should be compelling and straightforward.

CTA IG post

End your post with RELEVANT hashtags. They increase your visibility and help new followers find your content.

Researching the most effective hashtags for your niche can boost your post’s performance. Luckily, Post Planner makes it even easier by generating hashtag recommendations tailored to your post.

For instance, if you're a dog groomer sharing an inspirational quote, Post Planner will suggest relevant hashtags, eliminating the guesswork.

Post Planner

How to create attention-grabbing Instagram posts with templates

Instagram post templates simplify your content creation, but you still need to make sure each post grabs attention and engages your audience.

Follow these 3 steps:

Step #1: Choose the right template & customize it to match your brand

Each post type serves a different purpose. Instagram carousels are ideal for sharing multiple images or telling a story across slides, while picture posts are perfect for delivering a single, impactful message.

You can use AI prompts in Post Planner’s AI content creation tool to write Instagram posts for you. By feeding it a prompt, you’ll get fresh ideas that align with your content needs JUST like that.

 Instagram carousels

Our 50 free Instagram post templates are packed with AI prompts to help you streamline your content creation.

Step #2: Keep your design and copy SIMPLE and CLEAR

You want your design to direct attention to your core message. Avoid cluttering your post with too much text or design elements. (Less is often more!)

Let your visuals do the talking, and keep your text concise and to the point.

When it comes to mixing design and copy, simplicity is key. They should work together to get your message across without overwhelming your audience. THAT’S how you keep people engaged.

Keep your design and copy SIMPLE and CLEAR

When it comes to copy, use your caption to expand on the message, while keeping any text in the image or graphic minimal. This way, your design stays eye-catching without distracting from the main point.

Don't forget the glance test (my favorite design tip). Look away from your design and then glance at it. Where did your eyes go first? Where did they go next? Make sure your eyes naturally follow the message you want to convey.

Step #3: Switch it up with different post types

Avoid template fatigue and keep your content fresh by rotating between different post types like image posts, carousels, and reels.

Mixing up your templates helps you avoid repetitiveness while STILL saving time.

AI prompts and steps to take when AI-generated content isn’t hitting the mark

No matter what type of post you’re creating, AI can be a helpful tool to generate the content you need.

Post Planner’s built-in AI writing tool offers an easy alternative, helping you generate engaging captions, post ideas, AND relevant hashtags.

Post Planner’s built-in AI writing tool

But sometimes, AI-generated content doesn’t always hit the mark. Here's how to fix that:

Get specific with your prompt

The more detail you give, the better AI understands your needs.

Instead of a vague command like “Create an Instagram caption,” try something specific like, “Write a fun, engaging caption for a summer sale on (your product or service) using playful language and a CTA to Shop Now.”

Now, remember that AI isn’t human, so don’t expect it to nail your request every time.

If you’re pressed for time, download our FREE guide with 50 Instagram post templates. Feed the prompts into your AI tool to kickstart your creativity.

Break it down and keep it simple

AI can sometimes struggle with complex requests, so the key is to simplify and break things down.

For example, instead of asking for a headline, caption, AND hashtags all at once, start by requesting one element at a time.

Start with a punchy headline, then move on to an engaging caption, and finally, ask for relevant Instagram hashtags.

Also, be mindful of how you word your prompts. Avoid using industry jargon or overly complex instructions.

Instead of saying, “Create a caption for a carousel post highlighting USPs and ROI potential,” simplify it to “Write a caption promoting our software that helps small businesses save time and money.”

Clear, simple language leads to better results.

Don’t forget to EDIT

AI tools are great for inspiration and structure, but human judgment is still CRUCIAL.

Once AI delivers your content, REVIEW IT. Check that the tone, language, and style match your brand's voice.

Ask yourself... “Does this sound like something my audience would expect from me?” If not, tweak it!

AI can help streamline the process, but it’s up to you to ensure the content feels human, relatable, and aligned with your brand’s personality.

Ask AI to try again

What you get the first output won't be the same the second time. 

So, if you don't like what AI is spitting out the first time, ask it to try again or to give you more options.

Or, if you like certain parts of its output but dislike others, follow up with the AI again. Ask it to adjust those parts while keeping the parts you do like.

Schedule your new Instagram posts with ease and save even more time

Creating content is only HALF the battle. Getting it posted CONSISTENTLY is where scheduling comes in.

Planning and scheduling Instagram posts in advance helps you avoid the daily scramble of creating and publishing content.

Post Planner lets you upload it, schedule it, and FORGET IT.

Plus, the intuitive dashboard lets you quickly organize your content and automate posts with just a few clicks.

scheduling Instagram posts in advance

Build a posting schedule that works for you

You can schedule one-off posts, schedule posts in bulk, or set up an automated plan. (Meaning you can schedule content in advance and let Post Planner take care of the rest.)

Content buckets allow you to categorize your posts by type (like promotions, tips, or engagement posts), so your automated schedule is more organized and intentional.


Need fresh content ideas? Post Planner’s streams feature helps you curate trending content to keep your feed full and relevant. 


Batch create your posts like a pro

One of the best ways to save time is by batch-creating multiple posts at once.

Set aside dedicated content creation time, and then use Post Planner to schedule EVERYTHING in one go.

But it doesn’t stop at Instagram — with Post Planner’s cross-scheduling feature, you can schedule the same post across all platforms. (Freeing you from the hassle of logging into each one individually EVERY TIME.)

Post Planner’s cross-scheduling feature

The best part? Post Planner helps you optimize each post for the specific platform so you know your content looks its best no matter where it’s shared.

Post consistently without the hassle

Post Planner’s recycling feature helps you to automatically repost evergreen content on a schedule (so your best stuff keeps working for you without any extra effort!).

This means your feed stays active, your audience stays engaged, and you don’t have to scramble for new content all the time.

Post Planner

Still unsure about trying Post Planner? Start with a free account

Want to see how it works? Check out this demo video:


What types of Instagram posts work best with templates? (stories vs. feed posts, etc.)

Templates work great for a variety of Instagram post types. Feed posts are perfect for maintaining a consistent look and feel, while carousels allow you to tell a more in-depth story with multiple images.

Which tools are best for scheduling Instagram posts after creating them?

Post Planner is one of the top tools for scheduling Instagram posts. With its easy-to-use interface and diverse features, it allows you to plan posts, batch schedule them, get insights on the best times to post, and more.

How often should I be posting on Instagram?

Believe it or not, the average lifespan of an Instagram post is 19.75 HOURS.

Shocking right? Use this info to your advantage and post AT LEAST 3 (preferably 5) times per week. This keeps your business top of mind for your audience AND keeps them engaged.

Save HOURS every week

Don't forget your FREE download our 50 ready-to-go Instagram templates (and stop spending your evenings and weekends scrambling to design posts).

  • Just plug in your images
  • Update the text (with the help of AI if you want)
  • Schedule your posts
  • Sit back and relax

That’s all there is to it.

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