Looking for a flawless Facebook strategy?
Guess what?
It might be easier than you think!
As a the Grand Master of Customer Delight at Post Planner, I also help with support.
And one of the issues I get from our customers regularly is that it's difficult to build a presence on Facebook.
What if I told you it doesn't have to be that way?
This post is packed with marketing tips you can easily follow to build a flawless Facebook presence.
I’ll share with you:
- The 3P's of Facebook marketing
- How you can see what’s working best on Facebook.
- How you can post consistently
Follow these simple tricks and you WILL see a boost in effectiveness -- leading to a better return on your Facebook time investment.
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20 Marketing Tips for a Picture Perfect Facebook Presence
Some of these tips will be eye-openers -- and some may seem too fundamental to capture your attention. Trust me on this, though: It's the fundamentals that will keep you afloat when others flounder.
Every great athlete, artist or social media manager respects and observes the fundamentals.
For best results, you may want to work through this post like a checklist. First read through to see which tips you are already implementing.
Then come back through -- one by one -- to put the tactics your'e missing altogether (or under-utilizing) into practice.
Let's get started!
1. Begin by setting a goal
The first step to a successful Facebook presence is to have a goal. You should be clear on what you want to achieve on Facebook and who you need to reach in order to get there.
Remember: If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else.
2. Develop a Facebook strategic plan
Once you have a goal, it’s all about planning how to achieve that goal. Figure out the ways you can reach those who will best respond to your offers.
Here are a few of my favorite tactics:
- Captivating content
- Targeted ads
- Quizzes and contests
3. Follow the 3P's
Your plan should draw on the 3P's of Facebook marketing:
- Personal: These are personal posts (behind the scenes photos, for example)
- Purpose: These are posts that add value to your followers (life hacks draw plenty of attention)
- Promotion: These are promotional posts that help you sell (product launches, for instance)
Take a look at Sandi Krakowski's Page to see how a social media maven mixes in material that hits all 3:
4. Adhere to a posts ratio
Once you've activated the 3P's of Facebook marketing, you need a ratio. Promotional posts should be the least in number and Purpose posts should show on your Page the most.
Here's the ratio I like to shoot for:
- 50% of posts focused on Purpose
- 35% of posts should be Personal
- 15% can be directed towards Promotions
I want my Facebook Page to be weighted heavily towards helping my fans and getting to know them better.
It's only after I have established caring and trust that I feel right about asking them to consider my offers.
5. Vary the content
Keep your posts fresh by mixing up the types of posts you use. That will get the most attention and keep you from becoming predictable.
Here's an example of what a 3P sequence could look like:
- Personal video
- Purposeful quote
- Personal photos
- Promotional photos
- Purposeful video
- Purposeful photos.
That’s 6 posts with a makeup of 3 Purposeful, 2 Personal and 1 Promotional post -- while varying the platforms available on Facebook.
That mix adheres to my posts ratio and covers the bases well.
Did you know that Post Planner can actually help you do this?
Our platform allows you to schedule different types of posts for different hours. That helps you keep a healthy blend of photos, links and videos or status updates.

6. Study your analytics
Constantly test to see what's working for your Page. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all marketing technique. Your job is to discover the type of post best received and engaged with by your readers.
Get granular: Look at timing, topic, title and such... dig for clues about why one post is a winner and another flops. The insight you gain will be invaluable to your marketing results.
Post Planner's analytics, by the way, are much easier to read than Facebook's (just saying).
7. Post at the right times
We’ve heard this a million times. It's true -- but there's a catch: You need to post at the best time for YOUR Facebook Page and YOUR audience.
Use research from outside sources as a guide, but always remember that your Page is not necessarily like others.
Continuously tweak and study to find the perfect times for posting. Remember: Those times often shift with the seasons.
8. Encourage conversation
Always figure out how you can encourage conversations on your Page. Remember, Facebook presence is about community, and it doesn’t work if your community isn’t talking.
Constantly ask questions to get your fans to participate. Make use of quizzes and contests. Stir up some action!
Check this example from the Post Planner Page:
9. Work with fans on content
Need more content? Work with your fans!
Get them to share their best photo with you or tell you a story.
This helps to build trust on your Page, and you’d be surprised at what your fans are willing to share with you!
10. Factor advertising into your plans
I hate to break it to you, but to effectively promote your brand on Facebook... you're going to want to take advantage of Facebook Ads.
Facebook advertising is great! It allows you to easily reach your demographic by creating laser-targeted content.
You don't feel comfortable yet with placing ads? No worries. Read this: Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ads.
11. Use a Facebook cover photo
I can’t count the number of times I go to a Page that doesn’t have a cover photo. That makes it look like the owner is trying to promote a Page, but doesn't have the time (or inclination) to actually manage it properly.
Not having a cover photo makes for a poor first impression -- and a bad use of prime real estate.
Remember, your cover photo is the first thing people will see when they get to your Facebook Page. It is a huge factor in your presence.
12. Boost important posts
Sometimes you need to boost an important post to get the reach it deserves.
Boosting engaging posts can also help with overall Page reach, since you’re getting people to engage with you. That means they're likely to see future posts as well.
Check out how Scott Ayers used boost posts to get $3,200 in sales off a $65 ad spend: A Boost Post Case Example.
13. Have a visual presence
The human brain processes visuals 60K times faster than text.
The bottom line here is this: If you're not leveraging visuals, you’re losing out!
Make sure to keep your visual presence consistent by having your logo (watermark) on each graphic or photo and by maintaining similar color palettes.
(Follow Canva on Instagram to discover amazing color palettes you can use for your own.)
Kim Garst's Page is a prime example of amazing visual presence:
14. Put real effort into your descriptions
I cringe every time I see people use headlines as their description. If you have a description that simply says “10 Ways to Lose Weight" you’re not putting enough effort into your posts.
A proper description would be more descriptive and enticing. For example: “Want to lose weight? Here are 10 easy ways to increase your metabolism, burn more fat and reach your weight-loss goals.”
That took me no more than 10 sec to write. Put a little more effort into your posts and you can see big results.
(You can even just repeat/reinforce the description metadata from the blog post -- that only requires copy and paste!)
15. Join trending topics
Joining trending topics in your industry can help your Facebook Page get better reach. For example, if you sell women’s clothes you can post about what people wore on the red carpet at a trending show.
Remember the blue and gold dress meme?
Facebook is big on relevance, and joining trends will help your Page STAY relevant.
16. Tell plenty of stories
If you’ve not utilized storytelling as part of your marketing strategy, try it soon.
Stories are one of the easiest ways to connect with your audience. Stories stick to the memory and build relationships.
For instance, check out the number of likes, comments and shares gathered by this story post:
17. Take advantage of videos
I’m sure there isn’t a day you go to Facebook and DON'T see a video!
Videos are HOT content.
Here are a few ideas:
- Shoot behind-the-scenes to invite the viewer into your business
- Use videos to share stories, -- yours or others'
- Film a quick "Hello"
- Share an experience or observation
18. Learn about the competition
Always keep an eye on what other Pages are doing.
Search for brands that are doing well in the same or similar industries as you. Then study what they're doing best.
You can use the Post Planner Viral Photos Tool to search for their most engaging photos. It's a stealth way to observe your competitors.
Once you’ve uncovered a usable tactic, create your version of it and see how it works on your Page.
That's not theft -- it's smart business. Everyone learns from someone else. Why not learn from others in your own niche?
19. Post quotes!
Here’s the thing: Quotes connect with any audience.
You can go wide on the demographics. Everyone loves quotes.
Use quotes to engage with your audience. Quotes work!
20. Keep it consistent
At the end of the day, if you want to do better at Facebook marketing, you need to be consistent. That means posting regularly.
You snooze. You lose.
Would you love to have a magic wand that would find and schedule the BEST content for you?
Well, I don't know about the "wand" part, but I've found the Post Planner platform to be pretty darned close to "magic."
I can plan out an entire week of posts in about the same time as it used to take me just to FIND a few I felt could work for my Page.
Maybe I'm prejudiced, though, so don't take my word for it: Try Post Planner yourself. Then come back and tell me what you found out.
20 Marketing Tips for a Picture Perfect Facebook Presence -- Conclusion
At the end of the day, to really create a great Facebook Page, you need to think like a consumer.
Figure out what you want to consume on Facebook, what you want to see more of and share that on your Page.
BE HUMAN! That’s the key to a successful Facebook marketing strategy.
I would love to hear about your own experience. What's your best Facebook tip for building presence?
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