I've been on social media for 5+ years now -- not counting the time
spent wasted on MySpace, Yahoo & Aol.
Throughout the years I've had conversations with various types of people.
Some cool, some not so cool... but always falling under a different personality type.
As a Facebook page owner or Social Media Manager it's very important to acknowledge & understand these different types of personalities.
How you communicate with each of them can make or break your brand online.
10 Social Media Personality Types - Which One Are You?

1. The Social Athlete
- Serious & quiet -- interested in security & peaceful living
- Extremely thorough, responsible & dependable
- Well-developed powers of concentration
- Usually interested in supporting & promoting traditions & establishments
- Well-organized & hard working
- Works steadily towards pre-identified goals
- Can usually accomplish any task once they set their mind to it
- Complete
- Profile Pic: headshot with informal dress in outdoor setting or behind desk in professional setting
- Often have joined maximum number of groups for each platform
- Borderline spammers for number of daily tweets & posts
2. The Social Luddite
- Quiet & reserved
- Not interested in the latest & greatest tech
- Reluctant participant in the world of social media
- Uncomplicated in their desires
- Loyal to their peers & to their internal value systems
- Excel at finding solutions to practical problems
- Often no Profile Pic
3. The Social Nurturer
- Warm-hearted, popular & conscientious
- Usually put the needs of others above their own needs
- Stable & practical
- Feel a strong sense of responsibility & duty
- Value traditions & security
- Interested in serving others
- Need positive reinforcement to feel good about themselves
- Well-developed sense of space & function
- Profile Pic: often animals (commonly cats) or group photos with attractive friends
- Posts characterized by large numbers of smiley face emoticons & images depicting motivational sayings
4. The Social Lazies
- Quiet, reflective & idealistic
- Interested in running online communities & has many profiles
- Well-developed value systems they strive to live in accordance with
- Adaptable & laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened
- Usually talented writers
- Mentally quick & able to see possibilities
- Interested in understanding & helping people
- Profile Pic: head shots with informal dress
- Automates using tools like Post Planner & schedules bulk posts
- Posting characterized by a flurry of activity that dwindles & stops after 2 weeks
5. The Social Geek
- Independent, original, analytical & determined
- Have exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action
- Value knowledge, competence & structure
- Driven to derive meaning from their visions
- Long-range thinkers
- Have very high standards for their performance & the performance of others
- Natural leaders, but will follow if they trust existing leaders
- Profile Pic: photoshop'ed -- includes a Star Wars character, attractive girls or tech CEO's
6. The Social Doer
- Friendly, adaptable & action-oriented
- "Doers" who are focused on immediate results
- Living in the here-&-now
- Risk-takers who live fast-paced lifestyles
- Impatient with long explanations
- Extremely loyal to their peers
- Not usually respectful of laws & rules if they get in the way of getting things done
- Great people skills
- Photos: feature drunken escapades or extreme sports.

7. The Social Lurker
- Practical, traditional & organized
- Likely to be reading posts
- Not interested in engagement or participation with social media
- Have clear visions of the way things should be
- Loyal & hard-working
- Like to be in charge
- Exceptionally capable in organizing & running activities
- "Good citizens" who value security & peaceful living
- Profile Pic: absent or default image
- information is basic
8. The Social Inspirer
- Enthusiastic, idealistic & creative
- Able to do almost anything that interests them
- Great people skills
- Need to live life in accordance with their inner values
- Excited by new ideas, but bored with details
- Open-minded & flexible, with a broad range of interests & abilities
- Often have the best personalized wall papers on their Twitter pages
- (They speak at industry events to highlight how much they know)
9. The Social Ranter
- Popular & sensitive, with outstanding people skills
- Externally focused, with real concern for how others think & feel
- Quick to share their ideas & beliefs, sometimes in a single stream of information
- See everything from the human angle & dislike impersonal analysis
- Very effective at managing people issues & leading group discussions
- Interested in serving others
- Place the needs of others over their own needs
- Often found with major environmental interest groups linked to their social accounts
- Sometimes known as the soapbox hero
10. The Social Visionary
- Creative, resourceful & intellectually quick
- Good at broad range of things
- Enjoy debating issues & may be into "one-up-manship"
- Get very excited about new ideas & projects
- May neglect the more routine aspects of life
- Generally outspoken & assertive
- Enjoy people
- Are stimulating company
- Excellent ability to understand concepts & apply logic to find solutions
- Their number of fans and followers is super important to them
Which Social Media Personality Type are You?
Personally, I'm a mix of the:
- "Social Ranter"
- "Social Doer"
- "Social Visionary"
Just depends whether you're talking to me on Facebook, Twitter or Google+!!!
Which personality are you? Tell me in the comments.

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